When your significant other is not in the same state or country as you are on VALENTINE'S DAY, don’t despair. Here’s a way you can still celebrate Valentine’s Day with your honey. By adding a little CREATIVITY to the situation, you can enjoy being on “Cloud 9” and celebrate it together as if you were sitting at the same table. If you are not in this situation, but know someone who is… please pass this on to them.
1. Make sure that both of you are signed up for Skype (and have video capabilities on the computers that you are using). Skype is a social networking software application for making free calls over the Internet to anyone else who has Skype.
2. Decide what time your Valentine date will take place, mark it on the calendar and have all of the steps below completed and ready for your romantic virtual date at the exact planned time. It is essential that you plan ahead so that you are ready and on-time. Being late will not be acceptable.
3. Plan your menu ahead of time, such as a filet, baked potato, salad and a bottle of your favorite champaign or wine. Don’t forget to have candles on hand as well. Each of you, wherever you are will get the items from the store ahead of time.
4. Ahead of time, each of you should write a special poem for the other. Don’t worry if you’re not the greatest writer, it will be the effort and thought put into it that counts.
5. On February 14th, Prepare your meals so that they will be ready just before date time. Try to out-do each other with your romantic presentation. Lower the lights, light the candles and have the wine ready to be opened. Don’t forget to have your poem handy.
6. Skype your "Doll Face". Once both of you are on the screen, touch fingers or lips to the screen. Let each other know how special the other is in your life and take turns reading your special poems to each other. Focus upon how happy you are to be with each other on this special occasion, rather than how sad you are to be apart.
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