Creative Living: Home & Lifestyle

Escape to a blog where you can nurture your CREATIVITY and FRUGALITY for a better "Quality of Life".  From tips, thoughts, projects and inspirations in the areas of Home Decorating, Fashion, Culinary and Health Awareness, to Internet Marketing and Business Enhancement.  
Re-gain control of the QUALITY of your LIFESTYLE

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thank You For Sharing, Dear Sister...

  While sitting here, snow-bound in the cabin amongst the cornfields of Central Illinois, my dear sister Jill and husband are on a trip get-away… somewhere on the Gulf of Mexico, bummer!  

   Her e-mail with “warm” greetings this morning set the mood for her day and mine. Complaining a bit about the nip in the air (71 degrees) and looking forward to sitting by the poolside sipping on tropical drinks with their friends… while I lace up my ice skates and do a few spins on mine, with a stiff Captain to warm me up when finished.  Thank you for sharing, dear sister.  Love you, mean it.